Content Marketing

What is content tracking? Types, Techniques, and Tools

What is content tracking? Types, Techniques, and Tools

  We woke up when September ended, and now October is right around the corner.    Anddd, it’s almost Halloween!    Whip out the costumes, the candy and the collection of horror movi...

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Your All Inclusive Guide To Marketing Asset Management

Your All Inclusive Guide To Marketing Asset Management

A Blueprint to Guide You What Is Marketing Asset Management (MAM)? Difference Between Digital Asset Management and Marketing Asset Management 5 Benefits of Marketing Asset Management ...

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100+ Case Study Examples for Sales and Marketing

100+ Case Study Examples for Sales and Marketing

Imagine you come home after a long, tiring week of work, and you decide to satiate your taste buds by ordering a delicious, exotic dish. What would be your further course of action? Let u...

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6 Must-Try Content Marketing & Management Platforms for 2023

6 Must-Try Content Marketing & Management Platforms for 2023

Sure, I can talk to you about all those companies who failed at content marketing and thus sabotaged their own brand’s success. But let’s face it. Cautionary tales are so passé.    So,...

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Interactive Content - Types and Design Principles

Interactive Content - Types and Design Principles

  The world is changing, and that’s certainly true of how we consume content online too.    In the past, it was possible to create a successful and effective content strategy that was ...

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How to make your content binge worthy!

How to make your content binge worthy!

'Just one last time, I promise' - Thought every addict, cheater, and binge watcher, ever.   As soon as we hear binging, we see bright red text screaming Netflix. Even though the thought...

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Content Marketing Playbook for SMBs - Cuppa Press

Content Marketing Playbook for SMBs - Cuppa Press

In this edition of Paperflite's talk-show series titled 'Cuppa Press', we decided to take the bull (read Content Marketing) by its horns.  “Content Marketing has seen a boom and the ...

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100+ Proven & Effective Customer Testimonial Examples

100+ Proven & Effective Customer Testimonial Examples

"When others are doing it, it's okay for me to do it, too." -Chet Holmes, Author of the book "The Ultimate Sales Machine"   That's the power of social proof! When we talk about socia...

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6 Strategies for Responsible Marketing in the wake of Coronavirus (COVID-19)

6 Strategies for Responsible Marketing in the wake of Coronavirus (COVID-19)

“The future is uncertain, but this uncertainty is at the very heart of human creativity.”  – Ilya Prigogine (Physical Chemist and a Nobel Laureate)

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Make your content standout from the clutter

Make your content standout from the clutter

  After spending the better part of the last decade as the darling of the marketing world, the excitement that drove content marketing adoption seems to be on the decline. Gartner famous...

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