100+ PoV (Point of View) Examples

Browse through a wide range of PoV (Point-of-View) Examples from various industries

July 28.2020  14 minutes


"You never really understand a person until you consider things from his point of view.”

-Harper Lee


Let's consider a hypothetical situation: You've put on some extra weight (or lost too much), and wish to enrol in the best gyms of your town to get back in shape. Let us give you two scenarios:

  • The first gym you go to has the finest equipment and a knowledgeable trainer, but the trainer's physique isn’t what you would expect when you imagine a typical trainer

  • The second gym has the same infrastructure, including machines, but the trainer's ripped physique and expertise is something that you admire


Which gym are you most likely to enrol in? Not a tricky choice, right? You would most likely go with the second option. Mind you, we are not criticizing somebody on their appearance, but the analogy we are drawing is simply to represent the importance of a single element for a customer in decision-making – Authority.


Authority is an integral part of the 7A framework of content marketing and constitutes a perfect content marketing mix. Having a brand authority means becoming so well known as an expert in your target market that people will proactively search for your brand – even if similar products or services might solve their problem.


In this post, we talk about an important content marketing strategy/tool to establish your brand authority in a particular sector – Point of views (POVs).



What is POV?


Point of view is an integral part of thought leadership marketing collateral. It is marketing collateral that promotes what your brand stands for. POVs are a specific set of beliefs that you share with those communities you serve. These viewpoints reinforce and push your interests and position. So clearly, they're an essential part of your brand.


POVs avail your companies with a context for an extensive discussion around a series of topics and can help shape your customer’s perspective about your brand. Hence, in today's world, it becomes of paramount importance for content marketers to infuse content with a brand personality, authenticity, and a perspective that can exponentially increase customer engagement.



WHAT can be the sources of your POV?


While reinforcing a POV marketing strategy, you need to first dig deep into the sources from which you can concoct a perfect plan for POV. Here is a list of the sources you can utilize to craft your point of view.


1. Align the POV with your company's mission and vision

2. Your perspective on the industry dynamics

3. Align with your company's beliefs and values

4, Customer pain points and priorities

5. Compliment your product marketing communications in your POVs (not imitating the same)



Framework to develop a POV


After having talked about the pillars on which you can establish a better presentation of your POV, let us now delve deep into the framework for creating a POV strategy. Here is a simple step-by-step guide you can use for the creation of your POV:


  1. Goal-setting and Benchmarking


Benchmark and set goals that are specific, measurable, achievable, and relevant. Have a goal for what you want to get out of it—whether it's increased traffic to your site or the lead generation—before you start to work on POV.


  1. Ideation


Empathize with your target audience. Get in their shoes and evaluate if your content is focused and strategic about what they want to read. What do they look for on social media and ask for? Analyze these aspects during your brainstorming sessions. 


  1. Competitor Analysis


To differentiate your POV strategy, analyze who is your target audience's go-to resource for answers. Then, look for areas not addressed in their content and fill in those gaps. 


  1. Curation and Distribution of Content


Once you have identified what content to create, make sure you have a perspective and personality, as the content should be easy to decipher and easy to share.


  1. Tracking Results


Track your results to see if your POV content has been successful. Use your goals defined in the first stage to decide what metrics you're monitoring.



Best practices to follow while developing a POV


Below is a framework we recommend you to follow while developing a POV for your business needs:


  1. Know your target audience


This is an indispensable part of any marketing collateral. Before you begin to strategize, you have to know your audience. If it is not written for the right audience, they will not read it. When it comes to POV, you should know your audience a little bit before you speak to an SME (Subject Matter Expert). Ultimately it will help you shape your questions and frame the content you create.


  1.  Benefits over features


Customers do need information but keep in mind that they are looking for a solution to their problem(s). Focus your content on how your product or service can solve this specific problem and make their lives easier, rather than solely talking about yourself. Benefits outweigh features at any given point of time. The majority of your POV content should be dedicated to providing the consumer with useful information and statistics on topics of interest and helping them see how, exactly, the POV of your business can benefit their lives. The moment your target audience establishes your company as a source of relevant content and information, they will be more likely to react positively to each of your marketing communications. This way, your customer-based brand equity increases.


  1.  Show your credibility


Find out where people are talking about what interests your company and then get in on the conversation. Be a part of the community and start engaging authentically. Your POV should exude credibility and not come across as a hoax. Talk to your customers, engage with them, comment on their thoughts, and create content from your own unique POV that addresses the current issues.


  1.  Engage with a broader community


Your POV is based on your perspective on matters that are relevant (and entertaining) to your customers. Look for a broader set of topics and create content revolving around those, and not just your products. Try to engage a larger community with your POV. Go over and beyond your company. What other areas can you address? What data are you sitting on that might help produce fresh content? What content would be of interest to your team? Answering these questions can help you develop a POV.


Examples of POVs


We have handpicked some of the best examples from each industry to give you a bird's eye view of the aspects that make a stellar POV. While there are over 10+ example POVs that have been handpicked for each sector, we will discuss in detail about two of them that seem to have worked exceptionally well.


Here is a collection of 100+ best examples of POVs from different industries:

  • Aviation and Defense

  • Banking, Financial Services, and Insurance

  • Consumer Goods and Durables

  • Energy and Utility

  • Healthcare and Life Sciences

  • Manufacturing

  • Real Estate, Hospitality, and Travel

  • Technology and Services



BEST POV Examples for Aviation & Defense Sector


POVs-Aerospace & Defense Sector


According to an industry outlook article by Deloitte, “2020 is likely to be a year of significant milestones for the global commercial space ecosystem—the sector may see steady investments in new and existing space technologies”. It therefore becomes crucial for the industry players to cut through the noise and express their point of view. 


5 Ways Emerging Technologies can Help Tackle Coronavirus | BAE Systems

POV derived from Industry Dynamics

At a time when the whole world is battling Covid-19, it becomes vital for the innovation leaders to appease the concerns of the industry players and customers. BAE Systems exhibited a strong POV in enlightening the wider community on how emerging technologies can tackle this pandemic. This POV plays a vital role in engaging the major industry players in a discussion concerning emerging technologies.


Five Trends to Consider When Predicting the Future of IFC | Collins Aerospace

POV derived from: Industry dynamics

In-flight connectivity (IFC) has been a moot point in the aviation industry. Collins Aerospace, with its point of view on IFC, has magnificently laid out the key trends that the industry will see over five years. Such a point of view works extremely well for the companies when they intend to position themselves as a thought leader in the industry.



BEST POV Examples for BFSI Sector


POVs-BFSI Sector


Banking, finance and insurance—like we knew it—may change altogether in the forthcoming years. While uncertainty about a sustainable financial future prevails among the larger part of the economy, people look to the big names in the industry to decipher the situation.


The Future of Work and Financial Wellness for Millennial Employees | Prudential Financial

POV derived from: Customer pain points and priorities

Prudential Financial has done a fantastic job of exhibiting their thought leadership in this document. It has shared its point of view on how employers and employees can look up to embracing the changes for sustainable growth. The POV is backed with extensive research and infographics that reflect the expertise of Prudential Financial in the particular domain. In this POV, employers give certain crucial tips for the millennials and reassure them of a sustainable future.


Investment Outllok for 2020 | J.P. Morgan

POV derived from:  Industry Prediction

J.P. Morgan focusses on providing relevant information to the readers for their investment journey in 2020. Marking all the blooming sectors and markets, the POV is helpful to the investors in modifying their strategies for the upcoming year.



BEST POV Examples for Consumer Goods & Durables Sector


POVs-Consumer Goods & Durables Sector


The Consumer Goods & Durables sector has been a frontrunner in leaning towards the safety and utility concerns of its users and enabling a well-informed purchase decision. It therefore becomes important for brands to improve their credibility by means of POV.


Making purpose pay | HUL

POV derived from: Company's mission, vision, and values

HUL brand, released a solid POV which aims to inspire the idea of sustainable living. The POV breaks the traditional idea and the processes organizations follow to promote sustainable living and how HUL has brought up brands that have the idea of sustainable living in its essence. This is a perfect example of marketing the product along with tackling an important societal trend.


Covid-19 is reshaping the consumer goods industry | Accenture

POV derived from: Industry Outlook

Accenture has focussed on how the global pandemic has put the whole industry on a new track, how consumers are adapting to the new normal and the effects on buying patterns. This POV gives a thorough outlook on the industry and its future.



BEST POV Examples for Energy & Utility Sector


POVs-Energy & Utility Sector


Over the last few decades, the energy—especially renewable energy—sector has garnered attention from the young and old alike. The older generation wants to be assured that they are leaving their off-springs in safe hands, while the younger generation wants to foresee how their lives will unfold. Given this situation, companies must be wary about the kind of values and message they send across. This is when a well-strategized POV comes in handy. 


What If the Oil and Gas Industry could Eliminate its Carbon Emissions? | Baker Hughes

POV derived from: Industry dynamics

The oil and gas industry plays a major role in the emission of greenhouse gases. Baker Hughes, through this POV, bolstered its perspective on the future of the oil and gas industry and exhibited how this industry—with the help of technology—can significantly reduce the carbon footprint. The industry leaders must communicate their point of view on some of the most concerning issues. Baker Hughes has done exactly that and solidified its position as a torchbearer.


The democratization of energy | National Grid

POV derived from: Accounting modern outlook in the industry

The POV from National Grid follows up the reader on how the renewable resources are being pushed forward along with making them affordable to build a sustainable future. The futuristic blueprint put in this POV with informational graphics is something significant.



BEST POV Examples for Healthcare & Life Sciences Sector


POVs-Healthcare & Life Sciences


If 2020 has taught us an important lesson, it is that we shouldn’t be taking our health and life for granted. The Healthcare & Life Sciences sector has been a part of revolutionary developments for human life and the POVs based on them provide relevant insights into how far we have come and what lays ahead for us. 


The Future of Life Sciences and healthcare logistics DHL

POV derived from: Looking at the future

The POV by DHL focusses on how healthcare and logistics are working hand in hand to build the future, the POV mentions the challenges the steps that DHL has taken and their future plans all packed with informatory graphics and numbers.


The vaccines of tomorrow | GSK

POV derived from: Industry dynamics

In this POV Video GSK takes the viewer on the journey of how a vaccine has been traditionally developed and how the new industry dynamics have changed the process in terms of licensing and development.



BEST POV Examples for Manufacturing Sector


POVs-Manufacturing Sector


A study by Advanced Technology Services Inc., reveals that 2020 will see an increase in the manufacturing of wearable tech and robots will play an important role as helping hands. Given this situation, how can a manufacturing company make the most out of POV as a marketing collateral? The following example by 3M shows how. 


Should Physicians assign their own Codes | 3M

POV derived from: Product marketing communications

This point of view is a perfect example of how a company can leverage this collateral by aligning it with their product marketing communications. However, while doing that, refrain from duplicating the entire marketing communication; POVs serves a different purpose. 3M aptly conveyed their point of view on how a blend of physicians and coders is required to assign codes. It corroborated their point of view using extensive research results.


The future of the automotive value chain | Deloitte

POV derived from: industry Dynamics

The POV focusses on the development of the manufacturing side of the automotive industry, the new business models,. value chains and customer environment. The POV has also taken into account how big data has affected this specific industry.



BEST POV Examples for Real Estate, Hospitality & Travel Sector


POVs-Real Estate, Hospitality & Travel Sector


This sector consists of a wide range of product types including hotels, travel centers, water parks, amusement facilities, golf courses, cruise ships, and restaurants. However, it can be difficult to acquire a user’s trust, especially in the light of current events. 


Hotel Marketing: Tackling Challenges, Crushing Goals in 2020 | Expedia Group

POV derived from: Customer pain points and priorities

Expedia, a pioneer in the travel industry, exhibited its thought leadership by releasing this amazing point of view. The article talks about the different hotel marketing strategies one can embrace to tackle the challenges. It enlightens a wider community of hotel marketers and businesses struggling with their current strategies and is a fine example of a thoughtful point of view in the travel sector!


A different approach to Property Valuations - Cognizant

POV derived from: Modern Procedures

Cognizant, has bridged the gap between real estate and data analytics through this POV. Filling up a crucial hole in the valuation process through text analytics and how that can help in changing the industry dynamics is what this POV is all about.



BEST POV Examples for Technology & Services Sector


POVs-Technology & Services Sector


"Most people who are on the inside of a technology have no idea what it's like to look at from an end user's point of view. This is why they have focus groups. I'm really familiar with this because I worked 10 years for Hallmark Cards in the U.S.”

The technology and services sector revolves around the manufacturing of electronics, creation of software, computers, or products and services relating to information technology. This sector offers a wide range of products and services for both customers and other businesses. Here are our top two picks in light of POV:


The Future of Smartphone Industry | Deloitte

POV derived from: Industry dynamics

This point of view talks about how the smartphone industry will evolve in the future and backs its finding with a detailed report. Deloitte takes a strong stand on the industry by listing out the scenarios likely to evolve in the future. The point of view reflects the thought leadership of the company and tries to invoke the community of technology enthusiasts and professionals.


Riding The Next Wave Of SAAS CRM | Freshworks

POV derived from: Company's mission

The POV focusses on how Freshworks analyses the CRM software market's future, the challenges and the actions that can be taken in the industry to get a better experience between the customers and the organizations.



Benefits of a perfectly tailored POV strategy


Being on top of your game of POV helps your company develop a brand personality, authenticity, and affinity. Your business becomes a part of a broader discussion by communicating a POV early in the buyer journey. Hence, this marketing collateral is very useful in the awareness and consideration stage of the buyer’s journey. Furthermore, it also allows you to get to know your audience better.


POVs helps your brand cut the clutter and make your product or service resonate well with the target audience, by increasing the relevance and comprehension of your brand. A perfectly crafted POV strategy not only increases your brand desirability but also boosts your customer loyalty.


This is pretty much, in a nutshell, our take on "Point of Views" as a marketing collateral. Hope this reinforces your point of view on the "Point of View" marketing!



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